Public Swimming
Waterhole offers limited Public lane swimming during the following times.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 7.15am through to 3pm
Thursday 8.30am through to 3pm
Tuesday, Thursday 6.15pm through to 8.45pm
Saturday, Sunday 9am through to 1pm (pass holders only)
The pool must be cleared 15min prior to the above end times, last admittance is 45mins prior to the above end times.
Public hours are subject to change due to pool bookings, staff availability and pool space is not guaranteed.
All swimmers entering the pool are required to wear correct swimwear and a swimming cap.
We are only open to the public for lane swimming, we are not a public play pool.
Please follow all instructions given by Waterhole staff.
Public Costs:
Adult* $10
over 60's pay child prices
Child $7.00 (14 years/under)
No student discount given
10 swim concession card
Adult card $85 over 60's card $65
these cards can be used at any of our above public hours
6 month / 12 month passes
Comprehensive Pass - covers all public hours listed
Adult 6 month pass $462 12 month pass $845
Breakfast Pass - Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri (7.15am to 9am)
Adult 6 month pass $258 12 month pass $426
Day Pass - Monday to Friday (10.30am to 2.30pm)
Adult 6 month pass $290 12 month pass $522
Lunch Pass - Monday to Friday (12noon to 2pm)
Adult 6 month pass $275 12 month pass $507
Evening Pass - Tuesday and Thursday (6.15pm to 8.45pm)
Adult 6 month pass $204 12 month pass $366
Weekend Pass - Saturday and Sunday (9.30am to 1pm)
Adult 6 month pass $204 12 month pass $366